Carolyn Cook
Carolyn Cook was born in North Carolina where she lived for many years. She is a self-taught artist, now residing in Canton, Ohio. She is best known for her realism and unique style in creating emotional florals that seems to reach right off the canvas. Her work is found throughout the world, gracing many fine homes and galleries. Her dominant medium is oil on canvas, though has done many commissioned works for clients such as murals, furniture designs, mirrors and transoms. Each piece is always a “one of a kind” design, never duplicating her work. Carolyn’s joy of life and nature shines through her paintings, bringing this wonder of beauty to all who view her work.
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Burnished Roses Petite I
Carolyn Cook

Rose Garland II
Carolyn Cook

Rose Garland I
Carolyn Cook

Pink Roses II
Carolyn Cook

Pink Roses I
Carolyn Cook

Burnished Roses
Carolyn Cook

Orchids Play
Carolyn Cook

Misted Orchids
Carolyn Cook

Orchids Petite II
Carolyn Cook

Orchids Petite I
Carolyn Cook