Gina Rivas-Velazquez
Gina Rivas-Velazquez holds a BFA in Fashion Illustration from San Francisco’s Academy of Art University. With a passion for art since she was a young girl, Gina took art classes at the California College of Art which fed her enthusiasm and drive for all aspects of art and design. As a freelance artist designing artwork for clothing manufacturers in the NY garment industry, she found success creating designs for screen print and textiles. She has now brought her design skills to licensed art and defines her own style with vibrant colors, exotic motifs and culturally rich images.
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Urban Glam II
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

Urban Glam I
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

Safari Silhouette IV
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

Safari Silhouette III
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

Safari Silhouette II
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

Safari Silhouette I
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

Tie Dye Safari II
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

Tie Dye Safari I
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

New Wave III
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

New Wave II
Gina Rivas-Velazquez

New Wave I
Gina Rivas-Velazquez
Total pages 1