Susan Michal
Susan Michal has spent over 20 years as a working photographer and is a respected leader and lecturer in the photography industry. Her early work focused on children and families and has been featured on greetings cards and calendars around the world. As her work evolved, she found her niche in fine art photography. Her love for nature led to her intense passion and unparalleled ability to capture the beauty of the flower. Working in a studio setting vs. the natural environment, Susan can control the lighting to bring out details in the flowers that may otherwise be missed. Oftentimes the result is a photograph that has a painterly appearance, something that she takes pride in as an experienced painter. Susan is a internationally awarded, PPA certified professional photographer and holds the coveted Master of Photography degree from Professional Photographers of America.
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Leopard in Black and White
Susan Michal

A Pair of Giraffes
Susan Michal

Lion Up Close
Susan Michal

Lion Cub
Susan Michal

Majestic Lion
Susan Michal

Elephant in the Savannah
Susan Michal

Elephant and her Calf
Susan Michal

Zebra Running
Susan Michal

Elephant and Tree
Susan Michal

Zebra looking over shoulder
Susan Michal

Zebra Pair
Susan Michal

Elephant Up Close
Susan Michal