H.A. Dunne
With just over 5,000 images, mostly photographed between 1880-1950, the H.A. Dunne Archive is one of the most extensive and unique vintage NYC photo collections in the world. The majority of the images were the personal collection of Hugh A. Dunne, a life-long New Yorker who had an enduring love for his city. Hugh acquired the images along with other ephemera over the course of his lifetime. The photographs are not by famous artists; but they are a rather unique collection, having been taken by unknown photographers for a variety of purposes, thereby representing the city in ways the more famous collections do not.
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View from the Park
H.A. Dunne

NY Stock Exchange
H.A. Dunne

Rainy Day
H.A. Dunne

Brooklyn Bridge
H.A. Dunne

Vintage Bloomingdale's
H.A. Dunne

Chrysler Building
H.A. Dunne

Flatiron Building
H.A. Dunne

Statue of Liberty
H.A. Dunne
Total pages 1