Iron Orchid Designs
Iron Orchid Designs is the collaborative work of artists and sisters Josie Celio and Sally Griswold. Growing up in California the sisters spent summers with their artist grandparents and were exposed to a variety of mediums, including collage, oil painting, sculpture and mosaic. Considering their early art training, it is no surprise that their designs play with contrast and incorporate a velvet refinery with an industrial edge that they refer to as “vintage glam funk”.
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Vintage Farm II
Iron Orchid Designs

Vintage Farm I
Iron Orchid Designs

Dreams II
Iron Orchid Designs

Dreams I
Iron Orchid Designs

Ocean Treasures Panel II
Iron Orchid Designs

Ocean Treasures Panel I
Iron Orchid Designs

Words for Life II
Iron Orchid Designs

Words for Life
Iron Orchid Designs

Inspirational Hearts II
Iron Orchid Designs

Inspirational Hearts I
Iron Orchid Designs

In This Home II
Iron Orchid Designs

In This Home I
Iron Orchid Designs