Vittorio Milan
Southern California artist Vittorio Milan has worked in the fine art, illustration and home decor industries for eight years. He draws his inspiration and design language from the California landscape painting tradition. A graduate of California State University Fullerton, Vittorio has continued to improve his craft through tireless painting and studies; he regularly attends galleries and design studios in the Los Angeles area. Vittorio Milan makes his home in the mountains of southern California an ideal setting to supply him with subject matter for his paintings for years to come.
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Birch Woods II 16x40 tif
Vittorio Milan

Birch Woods I 16x40
Vittorio Milan

Race Day II 8x20
Vittorio Milan

Race Day I 8x20
Vittorio Milan

Country Farm II 16x16
Vittorio Milan

Country Farm I 16x16
Vittorio Milan

Bright Blue Garden II 30x30
Vittorio Milan

Bright Blue Garden I 30x30
Vittorio Milan

Watercolor Birch Trees II
Vittorio Milan

Watercolor Birch Trees I
Vittorio Milan

Spice Garden II
Vittorio Milan

Spice Garden I
Vittorio Milan