Cynthia Coulter
Cynthia Coulter began painting as a child with much inspiration from her grandmother, an accomplished artist. Working in acrylics, oils and mixed media, Cynthia enjoys combining unusual elements together such as a romantic floral with an abstract or geometric shape. Her work is inspired by landscapes, flowers, leaves and other elements of nature. In addition to creating beautiful decorative art, Cynthia has had many years of experience as a designer in the wall covering field. She is truly passionate about her work and enjoys all aspects of painting. Cynthia is a native of New Jersey.
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Tropical Paradise Brights IV
Cynthia Coulter

Tropical Paradise Brights III
Cynthia Coulter

Tropical Paradise Brights II
Cynthia Coulter

Tropical Paradise Brights I
Cynthia Coulter

Poppy Meadow Pastel Woodgrain Panel
Cynthia Coulter

Poppy Meadow Spice Woodgrain Panel
Cynthia Coulter

Gather Wood Sign
Cynthia Coulter

Sea Splash Mermaid Woodgrain II
Cynthia Coulter

Sea Splash Mermaid Woodgrain I
Cynthia Coulter

Shore Sandpiper Sign
Cynthia Coulter

Beach Sandpiper Sign
Cynthia Coulter

Sandpiper Beach Panel
Cynthia Coulter