Joanne Morris Margosian
Joanne is a California impressionist who specializes in themes from Europe, including landscapes, cafes, courtyards and unique architectural elements. Her paintings, originally done in oils and acrylics, reflect the true beauty and romance of the places she has visited. A self-taught professional artist of 15 years, Joanne says she is inspired by her love for travel and the beauty of nature. Joanne is very passionate about her work and can often be found painting in her studio and on location.
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Tuscan Villas II
Joanne Morris Margosian

Tuscan Villas I
Joanne Morris Margosian

Tuscan Luncheon II
Joanne Morris Margosian

Tuscan Luncheon I
Joanne Morris Margosian

Venice Afternoon
Joanne Morris Margosian

Asparagus & Onion
Joanne Morris Margosian

Joanne Morris Margosian