Noonday Design
Tracey Coon of Noonday Design was born in North Carolina and has since lived in Ecuador, Tennessee, Florida and has called the greater Seattle area of Washington state home now for the past 14 years. She has been interested in art since she was old enough to hold a crayon and art has been a major part of her life through the years. After working as a graphic designer for many years, she decided to leave the graphic design world and focus on creating art that she enjoyed the most. Tracey particularly enjoys creating fun, whimsical, and colorful art that portrays the natural world and everyday life in new and interesting ways.
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Blessings of Home IV
Noonday Design

Kitchen Memories I
Noonday Design

Kitchen Memories II
Noonday Design

Gather Here I
Noonday Design

Gather Here II
Noonday Design

Kitchen Memories I
Noonday Design

Kitchen Memories II
Noonday Design

Dreams & Soar II
Noonday Design

Dreams & Soar I
Noonday Design

Stacked Owls
Noonday Design

Owl Always Love
Noonday Design

Snow Buddies IV
Noonday Design