Pamela Gladding
Pamela Gladding’s studio, nestled in the hills of east central Pennsylvania, is an inspirational place. Her extensive floral gardens and the animals, birds and insects accompanying them, provide seasonal references for her drawings and paintings. Pamela’s traditional training was originally directed toward the decoration of harpsichords for various builders in the United States and Europe. Her commissions took her to Italy, Switzerland, Amsterdam, and Paris. This intensive, specialized training has provided her with a good understanding of decorative design, which carries through to her designing today.
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Safari Jungle IV
Pamela Gladding

Safari Jungle III
Pamela Gladding

Safari Jungle II
Pamela Gladding

Safari Jungle I
Pamela Gladding

Airy Blues II
Pamela Gladding

Airy Blues I
Pamela Gladding

Watercolor Poppies Blue Panel II
Pamela Gladding

Watercolor Poppies Blue Panel I
Pamela Gladding

Toile Rooster II
Pamela Gladding

Toile Rooster I
Pamela Gladding

Watercolor Poppies Blue Landscape
Pamela Gladding

Watercolor Poppies VI
Pamela Gladding