Studio Nova
With over 20 years of design experience in home décor, Studio Nova consistently creates art set to a high standard of quality. Featuring Contemporary and Abstract designs that are inspired by the abundant nature around the studio itself, these collections are a true reflection of the artists’ personality.
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*Be sure to include the "-" between the RB and the number! Or you can search by the number without the RB pre-fix.
Example: "RB-12345AB", or "12345AB"

Total number of results 44
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Abstract Stripe Square I
Studio Nova

Abstract Stripe Panel II
Studio Nova

Abstract Stripe Panel I
Studio Nova

Tapestry Stripe Square II
Studio Nova

Tapestry Stripe Square I
Studio Nova

Tapestry Stripe Panel II
Studio Nova

Tapestry Stripe Panel I
Studio Nova

Tapestry Stripe Landscape
Studio Nova