Tre Sorelle Studios
“Tre Sorelle” means three sisters in Italian. Artists and sisters, Sarah McAnerny, Rachel Linkey Rodriguez, and Mary Linkey Hansen began as decorative mural artists, and have branched out to create beautiful art on Stone, Canvas, Tile, and Glass. Their beautiful and whimsical designs can be found on tile murals, tableware, glassware, kitchen décor, furniture, and prints across the country.
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Red Floral Explosion landscape
Tre Sorelle Studios

Red Floral Explosion II
Tre Sorelle Studios

Red Floral Explosion I
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland landscape II-Happy Holidays
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland landscape I
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland VI-Joy to the World
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland V-Believe
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland IV-Faith Hope Love
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland III-Nuthatch
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland II-Chickadees
Tre Sorelle Studios

Frosted Winter Woodland I-Titmouse
Tre Sorelle Studios

Butterfly Trail VI
Tre Sorelle Studios