HM Design
Heather Marley, a product designer and illustrator born and raised in Philly, has loved art and drawing since childhood. Her mom, a talented artist, was her earliest mentor and helped her learn the craft of creating. Fast forward many years later to a career in graphic art and home decor product design that has spanned almost 20 years. Having worked for a few of the leading home decor companies on the east coast has given her a knowledge of the marketplace and trend. Her work is an extension of this experience and imagination. You can usually find her gardening, drawing on her iPad, painting in her home studio or chasing her toddler around the house. She is inspired by everyday experiences, travel, nature, and her daughter.
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Haunted Halloween IV
HM Design

Haunted Halloween III
HM Design

Haunted Halloween II
HM Design

Haunted Halloween I
HM Design

Serene Sentiment I-Good Life
HM Design

Serene Sentiment VI-Protect
HM Design

Zen Vibes III-Be Still
HM Design

Zen Vibes II-Be Present
HM Design

Simple Nature II-Have Faith
HM Design

Serene Sentiment VIII-Walk in Faith
HM Design

Serene Sentiment VII-Seek Beauty
HM Design

Zen Vibes IV-Find Balance
HM Design