Noah Bay
After running several Fine Art galleries Noah spent the greater part of his professional life working as an art director and artist’s agent, and began producing his own work only in recent years, beginning with photography and then experimenting with other media. He works from London, England, where he lives with his wife and son, and has already seen a very enthusiastic response to his striking and atmospheric images. As an artist, his overriding aim is to create paintings that reach out to the viewer, creating a powerful sense of mood or place. Coastal subjects are a recurrent theme, and Noah believes that the ocean has a way of cleansing the spirit and reconnecting us with the innocence of childhood. In the coming years he plans to explore other techniques and subjects, seeking always to find fresh ways of representing the world around us. He travels extensively and finds that every new experience can provide invaluable inspiration for his work.
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The North Swell
Noah Bay

Gas Stop
Noah Bay

Sun on Fields
Noah Bay

Lit Landscape
Noah Bay

Headland Light
Noah Bay

Cornish Headland
Noah Bay

Sun through Mist
Noah Bay

Noah Bay

Scottish Road
Noah Bay

Clifftop Cottage
Noah Bay

The Green
Noah Bay

Neutral Vessels
Noah Bay